Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Update: LIFO/FIFO Methods

I have recently purchased quite a few books. Surprised? Me either. I have decided that I cannot continue my methodic, and somewhat deranged system of reading.

New System:

1. Stack five books with spines facing toward your body.
2. Hold out books to husband, spouse, or friend (so that they cannot see the titles)
3. Have them point to one.
4. Voila~! Next book chosen.

So far I feel a lot less pressure when choosing the next book to read...because I didn't choose...someone else did. :o)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Need a Fix?

Have you seen any episodes of Intervention or Addicted lately? Well, for awhile I was mesmorized by those shows. To me it is insane how people can be so fixated on one aspect of their lives, that they let it control them. Crazy, right?
It's a good thought, until you begin to see similarities in your own life.

Drug users have to have a fix, in order to survive a week, a day, an hour.
People who are addicted to shopping are thrilled by sales, and can't pass up a good bargain.

Meet the newest reality TV Star:
The Book Nerd:Addicted to Words
That's right. I think this could be classified as a disease. Not one that I want a cure from, but an addiction nonetheless.

A co-worker of mine let me in on some classified info: the Eureka Springs Library has a book sale. Each bag of books = $1.
I couldn't pass it up. And in that place on a hill top in the middle of the beautiful Arkansas trees I found refuge. People like me. Looking for books. Not any that they really needed...but who can pass up a bag of books for $1?!?!?!

So would that be the premier episode of The Book Nerd: Addicted to Words?
I came home with 32 books. Some of which I will read. Some I already have copies of....

Next TV Stop...Hoarders!