Saturday, February 12, 2011

School Book Fairs

I have talked about my love of book stores. The smell, the lure of new books. It's a drug, and I know someone out there has done research on this very idea. If they can research watermelon seeds, they can research this! fairs give me the same high. There they are, silver metallic boxes lined with the newest books. Tables filled with other books that won't fit on the shelves. It is all too much for me to take. Twice a year I am lured by these images. Enough to where I have to decide not IF I am going to buy any books, but HOW MUCH will I spend?

The second of these events is before me. I have taken the first scan of the shelves. I think I can get away with a mere 50 bucks. The trouble is the books. They look at me. As I walk by, they are practically screaming my name. Fifty dollars can quickly turn to a hundred. So because of the two snow storms I have thankfully eluded this drug. But 60 degree weather, and a library full of new books are just days away.

My debit card is burning a hole in my pocket.

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