Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Fiscal Year Ended

For those of you who haven't read much of this blog...please be aware of the often overused accounting references. My TWO followers and husband both work/live in the accounting world so, it starts to wear off on me!

My fiscal year ended May 31. I try to keep track of how many books I read per year. June to June. Although a little OCD, it's really satisfying to look back at your year and see how much you have accomplised book wise.

My novel count this year was 45, with one reread (The Hunger Games). Big pat on the back to ME!

I've already began the new fiscal year count...and I am shooting for 50. If you are an avid reader, like myself, try this for the next year. Find a notebook, or calendar, or day planner where you can keep track of the books you read. I am a perpetual list maker, so I don't just make tick marks, but actually write out the title too! And let's face it...I sometimes need reference the list just to see exactly what I DID read.

Have a Happy new Fiscal Year!

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