Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update: Columbine

I finished reading Columbine the other night. The only word that can really describe the experience is: disturbed. On several levels really. The actions of the police, the media, the shooters themselves.

For the past week I have been in a Pre-AP/AP workshop. One of the teachers, who had recently purchased the book, asked me if I would put in on my shelf? Maybe. I have decided to put it in my classroom, but on the shelf behind my desk. If a student wants to read the book, then I would accept a parent note acknowledging that this type of book is okay.

Another teacher said they weren't sure if they would read the book because a parent of a Columbine student hadn't given the book a very good review. My opinion is that I need to inform myself, and then have my own idea of what I think of the book.

I would definitely recommend this book. It was hard to get through emotional, and logistically because you are constantly trying to work out details and maps in your mind...but it was worth it.

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