Friday, August 27, 2010

Is that a Mockingjay on your wrist???

What goes best with a newly purchased book???

A fake tattoo!!

That's right...when I purchased three copies of Mockingjay on Tuesday, I was rewarded with a Mockingjay Temporary Tattoo. I was soo overwhelmed with excitement that the check-out lady gave me about 20 more for "my class." YEAH RIGHT!!! Those are for me, suckah!!! :o)

So while I read away, I can turn my wrist and look at my new tat...

Enjoy the pic~


  1. Very cool. I was excited when I had a Girl With the Dragon Tattoo fake tattoo for a while.

    I read the whole Hunger Games series for the first time this week. I got Hunger Games from the library where I'd been on the waiting list for a while. Then I just had to download the other two!

  2. Oh Amanda, you always make me laugh! Suckah!
