Sunday, January 23, 2011

I've Been Published....

Sort of....By myself, really. But it did get your attention, right? I will admit to doing something that most of do, but hardly any of us talk about...I blog stalk. You know what I'm talking about...You visit a friends' blog, and then you check out they people they follow. It's harmless fun, and honestly I get some pretty fantastic ideas from it. Such as..
Of course this website really won't help you or seem quite as fantastic if you don't have a blog, but for me the day I made my blog book was like an epiphany. Now I can reread all of the wonderful words of wisdom, personal anecdotes, references to accounting that I really have no business making...I can read it every day, if I want.
It also inspired the spin-off baby blog...not to be confused with this one. Easier than scrap booking in my opinion.
To actual book news: I am ALMOST finished with Peace like a River. Why is it taking me forever to finish this book? It's not that it is bad, and boring...I just can't finish it! I will post later about my full experience when I FINALLY get finished.

1 comment:

  1. I did that for one year of my blog but I haven't kept it up. It is a very cool feeling.
