Sunday, June 12, 2011

I want to read Crap

Not books about crap, but just that fun summer reading fluff. Maybe it is the weather? Maybe it is the pregnancy hormones, but there is something going on in my system that makes me put down the Harry Potter (gasp!) and pick up a Nora Roberts.
I actually walked by the book section today at Walmart, saw a Nora Roberts, which I may or may not have read, and I was hooked, or drawn. I felt a need in my gut to read THAT book. Thankfully the sane part of my body took over, and said...You have a Nook. Just download it when you get home...and so I will.

Another need to read: Non-fiction. What the HECK? Our book club has had a very unlucky past when it comes to non-fiction books. Sin in the Second City: Yuck. There may have been others, but I probably didn't read them. Let's face it, I am an imaginary...I love characters that I can relate to, stories that I can lose myself in...and non-fiction doesn't cut it! So I found myself looking at a new non-fiction book, and becoming intrigued. The Autobiography of an Execution. Sounds morbid, right? But for some reason, I REALLY want to read this.

So move over Harry Potter. We're making way for Nora Roberts and non-fiction. I might be insane.

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